CC Readers website launch
Posted on: 2 December 2021
After all the excitement of deciding to start up our Proof Reading, Critique and Copy Editing services with a more personal service than seemed to be on offer, then Boom, ready to go and COVID hits. We have had plenty to do, and obviously getting the website going was the first hurdle. I hope you have looked around the site and seen what we are about.
Having had our own experiences of the current industry along with general voiced dissatisfaction, we felt strongly that authors mostly get deflated feedback on their work, often by people who do not want to look at anything that does not fit in with their idea of book content. If you write outside of the ‘fashionable’ box, forget it.
We intend working with authors both new and old, with a supportive style, to go through your manuscripts and give it an honest and truthful scrutiny, together with proof reading and an overview of flow of storyline.
During the last year we have concentrated on launching River Rats, by Christopher E Howard and it has been great to see that on display. This is being followed up by Christopher’s new book ‘Ghost Be Mine! which is an equally good read, but very different to the first. There are a further two books in the offing, with a fifth one being started on. Christopher has been published in the past, and we are working on relaunching his back catalogue, but after a horrendous accident about 12 years ago, many of his contacts and previous publishers had either terminated production or merged into other companies and he has had to start from scratch.
With so much going on already, we are happy to start taking on further work now, and if you would like feedback on your projects, please contact us initially via the contact message section, and we can then make contact directly with you for your book. We will accept unsolicited material.