CC Readers Blog

Spring in the Air

Posted on: 13 April 2022

Hello Readers

Going forward – we have made advances in bringing Christopher E Howard’s Amazon sites up-to-date under one account. It only took a couple of years. The reason for the frustrating delays were due to Christopher’s accident in 2009 which left him adrift without his mobile phone which was destroyed in the crush, and he could not remember his password for his email account. With the two forms of ‘security’ unavailable, it was impossible to use his old account (which held all his original reviews and accreditation on his early works. After that, with memory problems from his accident as he rebuilt his life, every time he tried to upload his next books, again he had account verification problems, the simple solution for Chris was to start another account, easy-peasy. So, several accounts later, and books all over the place, some proof read by well-meaning but inexperienced helpers, we had an uphill battle.

Eventually we managed to get help from Amazon and amalgamated them all under one Author Page, and have spent the last few months updating, re proof reading and re-uploading most of his works. The downside did mean that the old reviews were not able to be brought across so many of his works do not have historic reviews now. Never mind – we are just relaunching them all – all the back catalogue which has been recently worked on has now been uploaded as ebooks, and those big enough for paperback are also updated and relaunched.

At last we can go forward releasing his latest novels, and there are four new titles being launched over the next few months. I hope that when you buy and read them you will enjoy them all enough to leave reviews against them, and if you would like to leave any particular comments please use either Chris’ or the CCReaders website ‘contact us’ pages. We will get round to replying to any queries within a month of receiving them.

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